Community Support

Community Support Ministries

“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” ― John Wesley

Winnemucca Food Bank Fundraiser Coming-Up on August 24th

There will be a fundraising Spaghetti Dinner for the Food Bank on Saturday, Aug 24th, 5:30-8 PM at the west hall of the Convention Center.  Tickets will be $12, all you can eat and will include spaghetti with sauce and meatballs, salad, bread, drinks and desserts.  Let Pastor Judy know if you’d like tickets, or you can get some at the Food Bank.  There will also be a drawing for gift baskets with tickets available for purchase at the door.  The drawing will take place starting at 7:30 PM that night, and you do not need to be present to win.  If you have a gift basket, items for a gift basket or other items that you’d like to donate for the drawing, please let Pastor Judy know.

Community Soup Kitchen

The Winnemucca Ministerial Association Soup Kitchen, housed in our downstairs social hall and kitchen, is open on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6 PM, serving free meals to any who attend.  A number of civic, school, and church groups come once a month to prepare and serve meals.  Members of our church typically serve on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, this month we will be serving dinner on Tuesday, August 20th from 4:30 to 7 PM.  Please call or text Pastor Judy at (916) 718-3797 if you are also interested in helping. 

Church Office Food Pantry

We are always seeking donations for our church office food pantry.  This ministry provides canned and non-perishable food items to people in need.  Items to be donated may include, but are not limited to: canned soup, stew & ravioli; bottled water; fruit, jello & pudding cups; canned fruit & vegetables; breakfast bars.  Please remember any canned items should have a pull-top (not requiring a can opener).

GriefShare Starts again in August

A new 13-week session of GriefShare (a faith-based grief support group) will begin on August 22nd.  It will be Thursdays 6-7:30 PM.  Please spread the word to folks who are grieving the loss of a loved one and could use this group.  Let Pastor Judy know if you are interested.

NAMI Family Support Group

Our NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family Support Group meets in-person every Friday at 4 PM in the church conference room and on Zoom.  This confidential support group is for those with loved ones struggling with mental illness or issues requiring them to need psychiatric care.  For more information or the Zoom link please contact Pastor Judy.

The NAMI Warmline is a stigma-free, non-crisis, phone service you can call or text at 775-241-4212 to speak one-on-one with a NAMI Western Nevada CARES Operator.  The Warmline is staffed by responders trained in recovery, who provide support to peers by telephone.  All phone calls received are kept confidential and callers remain anonymous.  Knowing someone cares can motivate us to carry on in recovery. The Warmline is not a crisis line. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or emergency, please contact 911.

Pastor’s Discretionary Fund

Our church collects aluminum cans for redemption to support the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund which is utilized to assist individuals with gas & other travel expenses, short-term lodging, medical prescriptions and utility bill payments. Parishioners can bring their bagged collections to the church and place them in the room #3. If you’d like to make a monetary donation, please make your check out to “Winnemucca UMC” and in the memo line write, “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund”. Thanks for your help with this important ministry.

Clothes, Jackets, Sleeping Bags, etc.

Low income folks and the homeless in our community are often in need of cold weather clothes, socks, gloves, hats, jackets, blankets, sleeping bags and tents.  Items can be placed in the fellowship area for distribution to our soup kitchen guests.