About Winnemucca United Methodist


We are blessed to see all generations worshiping and growing as part of our church family.  At Winnemucca United Methodist, children, youth, young people, and adults of all ages join together with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness.  As a community of faith for more than 150 years we seek to grow together in faith and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the worldWe invite you to come worship with us!

Our Mission Statement: To be hospitable, to serve, and nurture the way Jesus did.”

Winnemucca Ministerial Association

Pastor Judy reported at the Church Council meeting on Tuesday July 30th that the Winnemucca Ministerial Association account is currently very low.  This account supports administrative functions of the WMA, as well as supports the Soup Kitchen paying for supplies and rent (to our church).  This is separate from the Food Bank account which supports the Food Bank.  If anyone would like to help support our Soup Kitchen, you can donate with a check to the Winnemucca Ministerial Association, noting that it is to support the Soup Kitchen.  Donations can be mailed to the Winnemucca Food Bank at 150 S. Bridge St. with “attention WMA” on the envelope.

Pastor’s Discretionary Fund

The Pastor’s Discretionary Fund is used to help folks who contact our church needing assistance for gas, lodging, emergency food, or help paying utilities, rent, prescriptions etc. The United Women in Faith group at our church generously contributes to this fund twice a year (usually spring and fall) so that folks can be helped in the coldest months.  In the past couple months Pastors Judy and Gary have helped many folks with various concerns.  Pastor Judy recently helped a woman who just gave birth to a baby with an NV energy bill minimum payment so that her electricity wouldn’t be turned off when she got back from the hospital with her baby.  Therefore, our fund now has a very low balance remaining. If anyone would like to contribute toward the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund to help needy folks in our community you can write a check to our church and on the memo line indicate that it’s for the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.

August 18th Potluck after Worship

Sunday August 18th there will be a potluck meal following the worship service.  Please sign up to bring a dish on the sheet in back of the sanctuary.